Prpr treatment against hair loss

Prpr treatment against hair loss

Prpr treatment against hair loss

Blood component treatment using platelet-rich plasma (PRP or platelet-rich plasma) is a method of treatment that utilizes a concentrated amount of platelets that are taken that are drawn from the blood of the patient that is then injectable back into the scalp. Platelets contain growth factors that draw Stem cells into the scalp. Stem cells and the growth factors in the platelets encourage hair regrowth.

The most frequent kind of loss of hair in women and men is known as androgenic Alopecia, which occurs because of the genetically-determined androgenic effects on hair follicles.

Androgenic Alopecia is dependent on the androgenic substance dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hair follicles have receptors to androgen (male sexual hormone). When DHT impacts these receptors, there are two outcomes. The growth phase gets shorter, and the hair follicle shrinks, leading to hair becoming thinner and more concise.

Men are prone to losing their hair as early as adolescence. But, it's more frequent for this to occur around 30 years of age. The main thing to notice is that hair gets less thick, and the scalp is noticeable. The hairline is also able to be pushed higher. There are tabs, which are the typical "high temples."

Women with Androgenetic Alopecia are more prone to hair loss, and even all of their hair may fall out due to this disease. Between 20 and 25% of women in their 50s exhibit indications of female androgenic hair loss.

Hair follicles that remain can be regrown, PRP can restore hair to the size of its origin and decrease hair loss. Because of this, PRP is a great option for women and younger men who have just started to notice their hair becoming less slender.

Alopecia areata (also known as Alopecia) is a condition that affects the immune system. It attacks hair follicles and causes a direct loss of hair. The treatment with PRP has proved successful in this case too.

The loss of hair caused by radiotherapy or chemotherapy will not be able to respond to the treatment of PRP.

When PRP is used, a tiny quantity of blood (usually one or two tests tubes) is taken of the patient. After that, the platelets get consolidated by centrifugation of blood. After local anesthesia, platelet-rich plasma is injected into the scalp by a few tiny injections. The high volume of injected platelets can stimulate hair follicles inactive into active growth phases. It may irritate the scalp for a short period, and you could notice mild swelling in the following couple of days. The treatment doesn't pose any risk of hypersensitivity as the platelets are derived from the patient's blood.

After the initial treatment, it's observed that the loss of hair decreases in just a few weeks. After one month, you will receive the second treatment. Patients who have had PRP therapy have noticed an increase in hair thickness and growth within 3 to 6 months. Recurring visits are scheduled to follow up six months following the second read.

Is PRP tratment suitable for all ?

The PRP procedure is not appropriate if you've had a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia (low number of blood platelets) or cancer, chronic liver disease, or if you are taking blood thinners. Smokers who drink lots of alcohol aren't ideal candidates for treatment with PRP (due to lower platelet function and blood flow).

Anti-inflammatory medications inhibit platelet activity. The treatment should be stopped at a minimum of 3-4 days before starting PRP therapy and can be resumed after one week.