Hair Transplant Turkey Cost

One of the most frequent reasons why around 1 million men from all over the world choose to have hair transplant operations in İstanbul/Turkey is that Turkey offers a reasonable cost for hair transplantation.

Types Of Hair Transplant Price Range in Turkey Price Range in the UK Price Range in Europe Price Range in USA
Fue Hair Transplant € 1799 – € 2500 £ 4690 – £ 10090 € 3450 – € 4850 $ 8000 - $ 15000
DHI Hair Transplant € 2490 – € 4000 £ 10600 – £ 13090 € 5550 – € 31190 $ 10000 - $ 20000
Manuel Fue Transplant € 3490 – € 5990 £ 15750 – £ 30090 € 12700 – € 41390 $ 12000 - $ 22000
Sapphire Fue Transplant € 1999 – € 4990 £ 5750 – £ 14090 € 4700 – € 6300 $ 10000 - $ 24000

Individuals in many European countries have difficulty deciding if they are able to afford a hair transplant. The procedures are costly and each graft is charged separately. Many Turkey hair transplant clinics offer "All Inclusive" services. All transfers and housing are included in the package. Additional grafts will not incur additional charges. There is no hidden cost, so there is no doubt that patients can afford the surgery.

Hair transplants in Turkey are about one-third to one-fourth the cost of those in the United Kingdom and other European countries. A hair transplant in Turkey is usually charged at a cost of between 1,300 and 2,00 GBP by most Turkish clinics.

What surgical techniques do you employ?

Here at Best Hair Transplant, We employ FUE.

What's the difference between FUE and?

The difference lies in the method used to take out the grafts: while the FUE removes them one at a time, the FUT removes a strip of skin, divided into transplants utilizing a microscope. Each transplant is a follicular unit, also known as FU. What we offer our patients is FUE.

Does there exist a distinction between hair grafts and grafts?

Yes, it is! Be aware of whether it's about hair grafts or the grafts. Grafts are composed of several strands of hair, depending on how they're cut and the method of cutting employed. Hair is simply hair.

How many hair and grafts could be transplanted at one time?

Please remind that there is a difference between hair grafts and other grafts. The most experienced hair surgeons can now transfer 4500 grafts in a single session. Many Swedish clinics cannot do over 2000 hair grafts at a time.

Are all transplants of hair appear natural?

It is difficult to identify anyone who has performed hair transplants. Older procedures that use the punch method appear unnatural, such as " however hair," small hair groups. They can be made to look more natural by performing another procedure.

Do you have to do exercises immediately following surgery?

It is possible to go on bicycle rides and walks immediately following surgery. However, you must wait for one week following FUE and two weeks after FUT before starting your normal workout routine.

Are there marks after hair transplants?

When healing of the skin occurs, this happens by creating scar tissue. However, at FUE, tiny point-shaped scars form that generally aren't visible. With FUT, thanks to the innovative method to stop the growth of the tissue becoming a thin line on the scalp that is usually invisible or difficult to identify.

When does hair start to fall out?

After the transplant, hair follicles hibernate. That means the hairs on the grafts will fall off. After three months, the new hair begins to grow. It can take as long as 120 days to see all hair follicles produce new hair. The growth rate of our hair, in general, is about 1 cm per month on average. After 9-12 months, the hair is approximately 6-7cm on average. This is the only way to determine the accuracy of the procedure.

Do you have the ability to make several hair transplants?

If you're looking to transfer large amounts of hair, you can conduct multiple operations. With FUE, it is possible to perform surgeries on numerous days in consecutive days where you extract FUE from various areas at different times. If you wish to have another procedure, you will need to wait for about eight months following the first procedure since it's the only time that all hair has been removed from the initial process. What determines how many hair transplants you can perform is the amount of hair and the elasticity of the scalp.

Do I feel any pain following the surgery?

On the first day of your treatment, you might require painkillers since this could cause tenderness to an area of your scalp. We will provide tablets to be taken when needed. A lot of patients don't take their painkillers.

Do the people around me see that I've had a hair transplant?

The hairs transplanted grow throughout their lives. The first week, the scabs that form in the area are evident, but it begins to grow as we cut short hair. It is the natural densification of hair, which the environment generally does not notice.

Do you have hair elsewhere on the body, or should it be taken from the back of your head?

Yes, it is possible to take off other parts of the body. However, it's not as effective. The hair on the hair on the back is for life, but if one decides to remove the hair from the breasts, about 50% of it will fall off, producing bad results.

Can anyone do a hair transplant?

A surgical procedure can risk infection if you suffer from other serious illnesses. Because this procedure is performed solely to enhance your appearance, it is essential to be healthy. For certain ailments, you can complete the process with the guidance of an anesthesiologist.

Can medicines help me regain my hair?

Within Sweden, two medications are approved for treating hereditary hair loss common to all. It's a tablet, Propecia, and part of a resolution called Regaine. Both preparations should be used daily throughout the day. If you stop using them, regardless of whether for a short time or a longer period, you'll lose your hair. You must take the preparations for a minimum of 6-12 months before we assess if they've produced any effect or not. Research has shown there is evidence that Propecia and Regaine can reduce hair loss. Certain people also experience distinct new growth. Those who only have some signs of thinning will experience the most effective results. Finasteride is somewhat more effective than Regain. Regaine is available from the pharmacy, while Propecia is available with a prescription from your physician. There are a few documented adverse effects associated with these medications. Hair transplants are the only option to relieve the symptoms of more severe loss of hair. For more information, contact the plastic surgeon.

When do I need to visit the barbershop following having a hair transplant?

As a rule, it is believed that once the wounds heal and the scabs have gone, then you can visit the hairdresser to get a haircut. After about 50 to 60 days, you can use the machine to shave. It is not recommended to use hair gels or dyes on their hair in the initial two months following surgery.

Can you get a hair transplant when you are an adult woman?

It's simple, yes! It could be stressful for women to lose hair in the early years, which makes hair transplants an alternative if the medication does not produce the desired results. The loss of hair in women is usually inherited. Very rarely, a woman is complete without hair.

Are you able to get more hair on your head following an operation to transplant hair?

No, you can't. Hair transplants distribute the hair. Most often, hair is removed from the neck or perhaps on the side in cases where you require excess hair. Then, it's "planted" on the bare areas.

What types of anesthetics are used to treat hair transplants?

The majority of the time, local anesthesia is employed, but some patients would prefer the use of morphine so that they can rest throughout the procedure. The majority of patients remain awake during the entire process.

Do you know of any food items I shouldn't or can't consume before undergoing the hair transplant?

It is recommended not to consume alcohol, painkillers, or Vitamin E for a week before surgery.